We are sorry you are not satisfied with your Teknon Watch!
- If you purchased your watch directly from our website, here are the conditions on how to proceed.
- Within the first 14 days of receiving your Teknon Watch, send us an email to Service@teknonwatchco.com and let us know that you wish to return your Teknon Watch. Although you don’t need to justify your return, we strive to improve our offering and therefore we always appreciate how your Teknon Watch did not meet your expectations. Again, this is totally optional.
- Please provide us with your name, address, and invoice or customer number.
- We will email you a return authorization to return your watch.
- As soon as we receive your watch back and verified that the watch is in its original condition, we will refund your money within 14 days.
- We will notified you via email at the address listed on your account when this transaction has taken place. Your banking institution may require a few days to process and post the transaction to your account.
What if my watch has a defect?
If you believe that something is wrong with your watch, we recommend to first contact us at service@Teknonwatchco.com
We will then try to figure out if there is an issue with the watch.